Baby in nestle
Price exclusive postage 200 euros
​ The postage fee for UK and EU is around 20 euros
Scandinavia around 10 euros
Baby in nestle is an aquarelle, size A4 ( 210 x 297 mm )
Every painting has the same idea; the tree with the baby in its nestle. Still, every painting is unique as I always create nature over and over with different flowers and greenery in each.
I will need information about:
Date of birth
Time of birth
If possible, also the color of hair and eyes.
I will be back to you with a confirmation letter as soon as I have received the information from you. In the letter, I will also give you the estimated time I hope it will take for me to finish your item.
After this, you can either accept or decline. By accepting you agree to pay a 100 euro down payment thru Paypal after which I will immediately start working on your item.
Please send photos, details, and your delivery address using the word ORDER in the field for the subject to my email address: